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Pertinent facts about radon.  What is it?  What are the potential health risks?   What should I do if I'm going to buy or sell a home?
Home Maintenance Checklist
The Home Maintenance Checklist is designed to provide you with a clear, easy to read summary of the major repair and maintenance categories in a home. Post this list on your laundry room wall, so you can refer to it often.
Repair Prices & Life Expectancies
The Repair Prices & Life Expectancies guide provides you with a list of some of the most frequently upgraded, replaced, or repaired, items in a house.  The "design life" category provides a good average of life one should expect for a particular component.
Basement Water Problems
Helpful hints on how to diagnose a basement water leakage problem.  Useful cut-away diagram of a typical residential basement wall, and tips on typical causes & cures for basement water intrusion, and what may be going on behind your walls.
Attic Ventilation
One of the most important (especially in harsher northern climates), yet least understood systems in a house.  Included here are tips and diagrams to assist in understanding some of the basic principles involved in proper attic ventilation.
Deck Construction
Building a deck is every handyman's dream.   Likely as a direct consequence, decks are also one of the most frequently improperly built structures I see!  Here are some tips and diagrams showing some of the more important aspects of deck construction.
Attic Insulation
Proper attic insulation goes hand-in-hand with proper attic ventilation. Included are some useful information, diagrams, & charts, showing recommended insulation values for the continental United States.
Minimum Minnesota FHA-VA Electrical Service Requirements
Much confusion appears to exist as to how much is really enough, as far as electrical service requirements in a home are concerned.   Is a 60 amp. main service adequate?  This summary of minimum requirements will be useful.
Mold In Your Home
Increasing attention is being focused on the importance of good indoor air quality and its affect on health.  The following article is a condensation of a series of seminars and workshops on "Mold In Your Home", that was presented by DSP in 1998 and 1999, to a wide variety of construction and real-estate related professionals.
Some Things You Need To Know When Buying A New Home
Most new homeowners are in the dark as to what to expect during and after the purchase of a brand new home.  There are often many warranties and special information available to them they are unaware of.  Included are the five basic categories of "new house" warranties and product information that should be made  available to you.


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